Thursday, January 29, 2015

Silence and Light

Inspiration is the feeling of beginning at the threshold where Silence and Light meet. Silence, the unmeasuable, desire tobe, desire to express, the source of new need, meets Light, the measurable, giver of all presence, by will, by law, by the measure of things already made, at a threshold which is inspiration, the sanctuary of art, the Treasury of Shadow.

The artist offers his work to his art in the sancturay of all expression, which I like to call the Treasury of the Shadow, lying in that ambiance: Light ti Silence, Silence to Light. Light, the giver of presence, casts its shadow, which belongs to Light. What is made belongs to Light and to Desire.

I likened the emergence of Light to a manisfestation of two brother, knowing quite well that there are not two brothers, nor ever one. But I saw that one is the embodiment of the desire to be, to express, and one (not saying "the other") is tobe, tobe. The later is nonluminous. This prevailing luminous source can be visualized as becoming a wild dance of flame that settles and spends it self into material. Material, I believe, is spent Light.

Louis Kahn.

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